Monday, May 11, 2009

Inspiration for the week - Live like you were dying.

My last post reminded us that we never know what the next 24 hours will bring our way. Sadly, just a week after posting that blog, my dear Uncle Jack passed on. Walking to the kitchen, he literally collapsed. In that moment, he was transformed from this life and birthed into eternity. For him, his new life began that day. A new life with no tears, no pain, no problems. Left behind, his family began a new life that day also. Their life will have tears, pain and problems. Their faith in God will pull them through this time of mourning, but there is no way around grieving for their dear one.

One of my favorite songs is by Tim McGraw, Live Like You Were Dying. The words get me every time. It forces me to look past the blinders I seem to wear in day-to-day life and at least glance at the periphery. On the sidelines of my life are infinite possibilities and challenges but walking through life with blinders on is safe and comfortable. I like safe and comfortable.

The passing of my uncle has me considering expanding my field of vision to include new challenges, new possibilities. What would I do this week, if I knew that it was one of my last? I would step over fear. I would sail across the morning sky in a glider, ride a roller coaster, and parasail at sunset. I would get back on a horse and run through a country field, without a thought of being thrown. I would helicopter through the valleys of Maui, skydive at daybreak. I would eat a brownie for breakfast, chocolate ice cream for lunch and warm chocolate chip cookies for dinner. Lots of chocolate.

So friend, what would you do this next week if you were to live like you were dying?

Live Like You Were Dying (Click for video.)

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
~Mark Twain

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